Thursday, March 28, 2013

Currently Reading...

I love to read.  It's escapism at it's best - I often feel a strong desire to visit the places I read about, that's how into the books I usually get.  Currently, I'm reading Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.  It's set in Ethiopia with jaunts to India and the U.S.  I had a bit of a hard time getting started, but now I'm in deep and addicted!  I could easily blow-off my work day and sit and read, that's how good it is.  I highly recommend it!

What are you currently reading?

And, question:  do you like to read actual books, or do you use an e-reader?  Personally, I fought the e-reader for years until Mr. Nice gave me an iPad, and now I'm sold!  Since I often have my iPad with me wherever I go, that also means I have a book with me wherever I go.  Love it so much that when we have gift-giving opportunities, I always ask for gift cards to load-up my account so I can buy books to my hearts content.

Lucky me, tomorrow just happens to be one of those gift-giving opportunities for us!  Stay tuned!


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