Thursday, July 26, 2012

The End of an Era...

Something has happened.  The party is over (literally).  A chapter has closed.

After 13 years, countless events, late nights, early mornings, hundreds of colleagues (many I now call friend), my time at my day job has come to an end.  It was more than a job to me.  I poured my heart and soul into my work there.  I was dedicated and loyal, to a fault.  But alas, as things go, the organization has been overhauled and there is no room for me.

I'd like to say I'm sad, and I was in the beginning, but I've had four weeks to think about it and get used to it and I can honestly say, I'm ok with it.  It was inevitable, and other than the way it was handled, I really am ok with it.

So, thank you, big (I won't name you) university on the west side of Los Angeles!  You were my home in so many ways, you taught me SO much, you opened up my world in a way I never dreamed of.  When I came to Los Angeles I knew no one.  Thirteen years later I can say I know tons of people, and most of them through a connection with you.  In fact, I can hardly go anywhere in this massive city of 9 million without bumping in to someone associated with you.

What will I do now, you ask?  My mind is whirling with ideas!  Stay tuned as I roll out the next chapter....


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