my dream office
As you may have noticed, I have yet to master the ability to post fresh content every day. Or even every week. I want to! I really do! But life keeps getting in the way. I wish I could profess to having so many adventures going on that I've been unable to blog. In reality, it's work that is keeping me otherwise occupied. But dear blog, oh how I miss you.
I assume the blog readers are, for the most part, also blog writers, so I'm sure you understand. That said, I know how disappointed I am when I click on my favorite blogs and see something I've already read. And if you're dissecting that sentence, yes, you read it correctly, I click on blogs rather than use a reader. I have them bookmarked on my iPad and spend the first part of my day perusing my favorites. It's just what I do...let it go. I have been hearing rumors that Google reader is going away anyway, so see, what has really happened is that I've avoided the heartbreak of learning how to use it only to have it ripped out of my hands. Point for me! Winner!
Anyhooo...back to my original thoughts on blogging: Blogging is hard! But I love it. And, I decided early on that rather than deciding two weeks out what I'm going to write about, I write about what's on my mind or what is inspiring me that day. This planner hasn't been a planner when it comes to blogging. That
So tell me, how do you blog? Are you a post planner, or a post winger like me? I'd love to hear tips and tricks!
Until next time...
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