Do you ever have one of those days when you open your closet and feel like you have nothing to wear? Absolutely. Nothing. I'm having that day - only it's been going on for about 3 months.
I thought with the arrival of fall my fashion woes would be cured as I'm partial to cooler weather clothes over summer duds. However, 2 problems: (1) Southern California has yet to get the memo that fall is here to stay (80 degrees today) and (2) even in the evenings, when it is cooler, I still am not digging my clothes.
And here's where the confession comes in: I don't think I really know how to dress and accessorize myself. Oddly, and in my humble opinion, I recognize great style (and not so great style too), and I Pin the heck out of cute outfits. But, when it comes to actually putting outfits together for myself, I get a big ol' F for Fail.
I think the root of the problem lies in a couple of different places. First, I don't shop in outfits, I buy pieces. I think the key to "outfits" is buying all of the whole ensemble at once. Secondly, and I know this issue plagues women of all shapes and sizes - I'm not happy with my size, and tend to think "when I lose weight, I'll look better in this..." Sound familiar? And, to be a little fair to myself, my life has changed drastically over the past few months - going from a corporate work environment that I enjoyed dressing for, to working from home, where yoga pants and pj's are the norm.
I'm literally so disgusted with my closet right now that I'd like to take everything to Goodwill tomorrow and start over. However, that's really not feasible or a good idea, so I'll continue to wear my very comfortable yoga pants until I figure this whole "style" thing out.
What about you? I would love to hear how you shop and how you "style" yourself.
Happy Monday!
image via here.