Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Musts

Life has been crazy.  That's not new news to anyone who lives on this planet.  So many things on my to-do list, so I thought I would list a few here, in case you're interested...

Must Read:  Elin Hilderbrand's newest novel "The Matchmaker."  Her books are dreamily set on Nantucket, and though I've yet to visit there, I feel like I know the island from reading her books. Definitely a summer read for me.

Must Make:  Dry Shampoo as seen on The Everygirl.   I love dry shampoo, but the scents aren't always my cup of tea, so I'm excited to try this version with my favorite essential oils.

Must Wear:  OPI's Kyoto Pearl.  Seems like the perfect summer nail color, and I've been obsessively looking for it since I read about it on a blog last week.  Should also be listed under "Must Find!"

Must Make:  This avocado, bacon, corn and other yummy delights salad.  I've been obsessed with this since a friend posted the link on Facebook a few weeks back.  And, I believe if you skip the cheese, it's paleo.  I've been toying with the idea of  a sort-of paleo diet.  Anyone out there have experience with it?

another Must Read:  Roo's experiences in Southeast Asia working to stop human trafficking are heart-wrenching.  My heart clenched and my stomach knotted up when, working undercover, she witnessed young girls being handled by men 40 years their senior.  Broke my heart for those girls, and for Roo too.

Happy Monday!  Wishing you a fantastic short week!


Friday, May 16, 2014

The Under-Rated Nap

I took a nap tonight.  While I realize this is not breaking news, doing so was really a revelation for me. Like most of us, my life is filled to the brim and my to-do list is longer than I am tall, so I've been burning the proverbial candle at both ends all year long.  And it's only mid-May.

Today, as I sat in the waiting room of my doctor's office, I realized that I'm just exhausted, and trying to keep up with everything was becoming increasingly impossible due to said exhaustion.  So, while I was strategizing how to get everything done so that everyone around me would be happy, I realized that doing so would make me immensely unhappy, because all I really wanted to do was lay down and take a nap.

So I did.  And it was good.  And the world didn't stop turning, and my business didn't go under, and my family didn't mind at all (they see more clearly than I do that I'm exhausted and burned out).

The concept of taking that nap didn't come from my own lightbulb-over-the-head moment, though.  I actually read somewhere something about taking care of yourself to better take care of others.   And while I'm too tired these days to remember where I read it, the author made compelling arguments for putting yourself first, and they stuck in my head.  So much so that I'm really planning to make some major changes so that I can take back a little bit of my life, while still running a successful and growing business, and pay some attention to my husband and pups as well.  And I really, really want to make time for blogging.  I miss writing on my blogs.  I miss reading blogs regularly (skimming while feeling guilty for spending the time doing even that is my current mode).  I'm ready to get out of survival mode and reclaim living mode.

So while I don't expect to want (or hopefully need) to take a daily nap, when my body is begging for one, that's exactly what I'm going to do.  I'd love to hear if you nap - tell me in the comments!


photo via unknown - let me know if you  know it's origin!