Monday, December 17, 2012

The Monday After

This will always be the Monday after.

The Monday after unspeakable acts were committed against innocent lives.  The Monday after twenty sweet lives were senselessly ended, along with six brave heroes charged with teaching them, and keeping them safe, no matter the circumstances.  This will always be the Monday after we struggled, collectively as a nation, to come to some minuscule amount of understanding as to why someone would do this.  This will always be the Monday after a weekend spent glued to news coverage, only to later turn it off for a moment's reflection.  This will always be the Monday after during which moms across our country, and perhaps the world, struggled with the everyday task of sending their precious children to school.  This will be always be the Monday after countless tears were shed by people from every walk of life.  Tears of sadness, compassion, frustration and sympathy.

There is a great debate brewing over gun control and mental healthcare.  I can't even begin to go there yet.  For me, it feels too soon to debate these issues.  I still need to simply remember those I never knew, those who have now become a part of our collective family.

Our immediate reaction is to gather our loved ones closer, hug them more often, utter more "I love you's."  And I plan to do just that.

With love and prayers for the friends and families of Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Town of Newtown, and for all of mankind,


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